Child in Need of Services (CHINS)

Lawyers for a Child in Need of Services

Cases that involve a Child in Need of Services (CHINS) can be a stressful experience for both children and their parents, which is why SN Law is committed to doing everything we can to make the process easier. We exclusively take on issues in legal areas that we have the necessary expertise in so that we can guarantee that every client gets the best legal representation possible. To that end, we work hard to establish ourselves as leaders in a range of specialized fields — as a result, you can have peace of mind knowing that you’ll be in good hands when you contact our firm for CHINS services.

We Assist Clients Across Southern Indiana

If you ever need CHINS assistance in southern Indiana, the attorneys at SN Law will be right around the corner. We are happy to assist clients across a large service area, including the following locations:

When Will a Child Need CHINS?

Child in Need of Services is used to describe a child who requires assistance and intervention from the state or local authorities due to issues within their home environment, such as abuse, neglect, or behavioral problems. Parents may need CHINS intervention when they are unable to provide adequate care, supervision, or support for their child or when the child’s behavior poses a risk to themselves or others. Common scenarios that might necessitate CHINS involvement can include the following:

 In these situations, the primary goal of CHINS is to ensure the safety and well-being of the child while working together with the parents and other involved parties to address the underlying issues and develop a comprehensive plan to help improve the child’s situation. This may involve connecting the family with appropriate resources and services like counseling, as well as implementing any necessary legal measures to protect the best interests of the child.

How We Can Help With Chins

A skilled lawyer can play a pivotal role in helping clients navigate the complex legal process associated with Child in Need of Services (CHINS) cases, ensuring that the rights and interests of both the child and the parents are protected. From the outset, a lawyer can provide guidance on the CHINS petition, helping parents understand the implications and potential outcomes of the proceedings. 

They can also offer useful advice on how to gather and present relevant evidence to support their case, such as medical records, school reports, or witness statements. During the court hearings, the lawyer will effectively advocate for the family’s best interests by presenting the facts, challenging any unfounded allegations, and negotiating with social workers, child protective services, and other parties involved in the case.

Reach Out to Our CHINS Services Today

Our legal team will always be available to provide reliable CHINS services to clients in Bloomington, Monroe, Brown, Greene, Lawrence, Owen, or Morgan County, IN. We’re committed to carefully examining your needs, carefully listening to what you have to say, and being honest and straightforward throughout the process so that we can foster strong connections with our clients.

To schedule your consultation and hear more about the CHINS services we offer, contact us today — we look forward to hearing from you.