
Our team of legal experts offers valuable insights into the implications of legal changes, practical advice on how to navigate legal practices, and community events you can get involved with.

Family Law Family Law

Guardianships and Relocation

When the need for a guardianship arises, the request is filed in the state having jurisdiction over the person in need, known as the protected person. Once a guardianship is granted, that Court retains jurisdiction over the guardianship.

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Hoosier Hills Food Bank

Slotegraaf Niehoff is happy to announce that we have teamed up with Hoosier Hills Food Bank again this holiday season and our office is a drop-off location for non-perishable food donations from now through early January.

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Family Law Family Law

Alcohol Monitoring Assistance

Alcohol and substance use dependence can be a prevalent issue in family law cases. Courts often place requirements on a parent who struggles with alcohol or substance use in order for that parent to safely exercise parenting time with their child or children.

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Office Operation Changes

We hope you and your family are staying healthy and upbeat during these challenging times. This global health pandemic is impacting all of us, but we will get through this by helping and supporting one another and working together.

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